Top 10 Amazing Facts About Lion Do You Know

— nikhil kumar

1. African lions live in groups called ‘prides’.

2. Young male lions get kicked out of the pride by older males when they reach sexual maturity, at about 2 years old.

3. When a male lion takes over a pride, it can kill all the lion cubs to bring the pride’s females into heat again.

4. A male lions mane is a symbol of their fighting ability and health to both potential mates, and rivals.

5. Lionesses can turn on and kill older previously dominant males in a pride.

6. Lions have a roar that can carry up to 8km (5 miles).

7. Lions run up to speeds of 80 Kph (50 Mph).

8. They have an amazing jump, and have been recorded springing as far as 36 feet.

9. There is also a very rare white lion.

10. Lions can live twice as long in captivity.

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