Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Argentina.

by nikhil kumar

1. Iguazu Falls

The thunderous Iguazu Falls (meaning ‘great water’) is one of the largest and most powerful waterfalls in the world.

2. Buenos Aires

Vibrant energy and beguiling aesthetic from colorful European architecture to lively neighbourhoods, quirky shopping and vibrant nightlife.

3. Los Glaciares

The spectacular Los Glaciers or Glaciers National Park is the second largest park in Argentina and one of the largest and most accessible snowfields on the planet.

4. El Chalten

El Chalten is a charming border town originally built as a park in the Patagonia region of southern Argentina in the 70s.

5. Mendoza

Located in the largest wine-producing region in Latin America, Mendoza is a popular tourist destination, not only for the wine, but also for its proximity to Aconcagua

6. Ushuaia

A popular destination for Antarctic shipping, Ushuaia is the largest city in Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego region.

7. Bariloche

San Carlos de Bariloche, also known simply as Bariloche, lies in the mountains of Cerro Otto in Argentina’s picturesque lake region.

8. Puerto Madryn

Although the water can be very cold, it is a popular summer destination because of its beautiful beaches.

9. Cordoba

Córdoba, the country’s second largest city, lies in the heart of Argentina’s territory. The city is called La Docta (The Student) because of its many colleges and universities.

10. Ibera Wetlands

The wetlands of Ibera are protected natural reserves of marshy marshes, ink-covered marshes and shallow pools.

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