How to start preparing for NEET 2022

how to prepare for NEET 2021
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Hello student, Do you want to know, How to start preparing for NEET 2022. And how to prepare for neet 2021 without coaching. Then you are in the right place. Today I will tell you the best strategies to prepare for NEET 2021

Students, You have many questions in your mind that in this COVID pandemic financial position of almost every middle-class family is got vanished. Then our parents can’t afford much amount of money to spend on our coaching to prepare for NEET 2021. Then I also think, Why should I not writing some tips for NEET students. So, I start writing this post to you. 

Here I will tell you, Best Strategy for NEET 2022. 10 Rules for NEET Aspirants. What is the best one-year strategy for NEET 2022?  How to get AIR 1 in NEET 2021 in 1 year? How to start preparing for NEET 2022. When Do You Start Preparing For NEET 2022? How to prepare for NEET 2021 and what should be your Preparation Strategy for NEET 2021-22.

How should I start preparing for neet 2022?

Before I am going to start this topic. I am telling you One motivational quote for you which is very useful in your exam preparation.

  • साथियों कहते है की, वक्त नूर को बेनूर बना देता है, फकीर को हुज़ूर बना देता है, वक्त की कदर किया करें बंदे, क्युकी वक्त ही है जो कि कोयले को भी कोहिनूर बना देता है

Today I am going to discuss some rules that are required to know before you are going to drop. Looked at whenever a student going to drop he/she should know, what is the rule for the drop I am going to take. Because there are thousands of thousand students who are taking to drop out every year but their marks in the next exam are only improve 15 to 20 marks.

Again they are taking the same decision, either their marks are improved or marks are the same. and they are continuously taking the same steps for many years either it maybe 5 years or 6 years for improving their marks. But after that, they are not reached at their dream score for whom they are preparing for.

How did you prepare for NEET in drop year?

It is very very important to understand, what is your dream score. In which medical college you want to go. Which AIIMS college you want to go to?  You must Know some rules that are required to drop. Okay! 

Some Rules for the drop year students. Looked I am talking about rules because, Before today every dropper has at least one year for preparation. If they are diverted from the track, If their track had left, or either they got disturbed. He/She has the chance to get on their track, Re-orient, re-focused, re-energies.

But now those chances are not for you. You have only six months. And once you get dropped, get dropped from the track, You get disrupted from the track. You will never get that right track. Once you get on that slow track. You never return to fast track. To know about the rules is very important. 

Because if you know the rules, If you have the plans if you have the idea for how to work. Then one more quote is in my mind is:

  • An idiot with the plan can defeat a genius without the plan. 

How to prepare for neet 2022 from now

1. Rule Number 1

Your selection or your rank is directly proportional to the revision. Directly proportion to the revision but inverse to the number of resources. When they get a problem. Suppose if any student has a problem in chemistry or physics. They are going there, the Teacher suggests them for some books. Whats parents do okay! we will spend on our children no mention! the teacher said for the book. They bring the book and gave it to the student. You have to understand not even for this exam but for other competitive exams, only revision, and revision. 

You have to minimize the number of resources. You have to put them down. But you must maximize the revision. This is the core idea for any exam preparation. It is your selection, your rank. Whatever the top class rank you want to achieve is directly proportional to the number of revisions. Inverse to the number of resources. You have to understand this concept right now.

I think the number of books you are changing is not going to select you. But one right book and number of revisions will be reached you that position for which you are preparing for.


2. Rule Number 2 Quality of the Hours

The quality of the hours decides your rank. Not the quantity of hours. I generally looked at some basic questions in the student’s minds that, Sir How much hour I should spend for NEET 2021 exam. It doesn’t count. The only count is How many hours you focused. 

So, What did you mean quality hours? Quality of hours means, where you sit your chair bench your table your book your pen, and your notebook. They all are work as a single system. There is no difference no isolation no discrimination. And then you don’t know what are you writing what are you working on. That is known as the time of the quality hours.

So, quality hours are those hours, where you don’t know what are you doing what are you writing. They all are work as a single system. When there is only one system then there will be performance.

I looked at many students that when they are reading, after some time they are getting scroll their smartphones. You have to understand the more you slide your finger on the smartphone your rank will not come. So, when your finger is deflated by writing the whole day. You will get the rank.

Right now you have to understand that the Quality of the hours matters not the quantity of hours.

Those every ten minutes of distraction, every ten minutes you lose your concentration. Those every ten minutes are deciding that after very ten minutes your rank is decreasing. Understand this right now right here in these minutes. You have to be a single system.





Author: Admin

Technical author and Designer

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