CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper 2022-23 English Medium

Social Science Sample Paper Class 10 2022-23Social Science Sample Paper Class 10 2022-23
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CBSE Social Science Sample Paper 2022-23 English Medium

 CBSE has released the Class 10 Social Science Sample Paper for the academic year. The Social Science sample paper is specially designed for the upcoming board exam. This year CBSE has changed the syllabus for the upcoming exam. Last year we have seen that the exam was held on online and most of the questions came as multiple choice questions. But this year’s syllabus is changed as covid-situation in our country is normal.

Now, CBSE will conduct the offline exam. So dear students be ready for the offline exam and prepare accordingly.  here we came with the most important multiple choice question or you can say that CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample paper 2022-23. Your Question paper will be for 3 hours and the maximum mark will be 80. This paper is devices into 5 sections(Sec-A to Sec-E).

CBSE Class 10 सामाजिक विज्ञान नमूना-प्रश्न पत्र 2022-23 Hindi Medium

Section A consists of 20 objective-type questions carrying 1 mark each. Here we have created a google form for this. We have given answers to each and every question. So Please without cheating take the Class 10 Social Science Sample paper 2022-23 online test. So that you can score good marks in the upcoming board exam.

Please fill in all the required fields. Class 10 Social Science Chapter-wise MCQ English Medium. If you have doubts about this worksheet then please go through the related video on our YouTube channel Academic Excellence in Scool and take your exam.

You can view your marks immediately after taking the test. After submitting the Paper just click on the View Score button and you will get the score. CBSE Class 10 Sample Paper(2022-23).

Time:90 Minutes
General Instruction:
1. The Question Paper Contains three sections.
2. Section A has 24 Questions. Attempt any 20 Questions.
3. Section B has 24 Questions. Attempt any 20 Questions.
4. Section C has 12 Questions. Attempt any 10 Questions.
5. All Questions carry equal marks.
6. There is no negative marking.

Social Science Sample Paper Class 10 2022-23